Thursday, January 15, 2009


I went on vacation. Then I came back and my computer had commited suicide in my absence. I guess we had a complicated relationship, but this just beyond the limit. I backed up some things now and then, but not enough. It's so creepy how we (ok, I) use these fallible machines as secondary brains or something and you put your whole life on it. If my hard drive was a house the Collyer brothers would live there. I had stuff like this collection of screen caps of Agent Scully just pointing a flashlight at different things. You know, "art reference", the umbrella term I use to explain the massive dunes of bizarre effluvia that I can't stop myself from building around me. I lost a lot of music and personal photos too but I can't even think about it.
This is the attitude I'm trying to have about it:

Last week I tried on $800 perfume and my glove still smells like it.


Unknown said...

How very "Brenda Dickson" of you.

Wax Harlow said...

Oh REALLY? How so? I'm very interested.

Wax Harlow said...

ha, I thought you were someone else.

Unknown said...

It's just me (Paul). I'm not sure if you're still very interested BUT I think Brenda Dickson could probably handle a disaster (Undoubtly, she has!) so long as she still looked G.L.A.M.O.R.O.U.S. Which she probably no longer does. I think the real point is that you should probably ride out the rest of this Winter in a gown(s).

Unknown said...

p.s. I love your blog.

Wax Harlow said...

I love your blog too, Paul. And I could really use one of those gold-lame peacock numbers right now. Maybe I should make one out of aluminum foil to tide myself over?