Friday, November 14, 2008

unknown structures

I was reading this article about dark flow and got a corresponding dark feeling in my guts. Then I read this article about male breastfeeding and had an entirely different kind of dark feeling. Last night I did this drawing:

dark feeling
to try and explain another kind of dark feeling I get that is triggered by certain things I see on television that fall into a really specific category of being so mindless that they enrage me, but too are banal for me to find hilarious. This category includes:
Jennifer Aniston's face, and the fact that she is famous
The "Fashion Police" section of US Weekly
The song "Lady in Red"
Diaper commercials
Also commercials that involve women sitting around on patios talking about things I would literally rather die than care about, like yogurt or candles.

There is a such a fine line between these things and other things that have the tiniest surplus of absurdity that tip the scale towards beauty:

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