Tuesday, November 04, 2008

in your soup

Why am I blogging about Halloween right now? Because if I don't, I'll puke. This morning, my friend Joe very aptly compared the obsessive news-checking we are sure to indulge in later as shaking a pregnancy test in order to make the lines show up faster. Here's hoping you guys have all peed on your sticks (???)

Anyway, here's my friend Derek as a giant box of Count Chocula:

Which is incidentally the most genius costume I have ever witnessed in my history of Halloweens, both in concept and execution, and I am not saying that just because he's my friend. One of the best parts was seeing little kids react to it.
count chocula changes kids' lives
My favorite reaction was this little girl who yelled (obviously having never been allowed sugar cereal), "It's Count Dracula...IN YOUR SOUP!!!"

See, my friends and I went trick-or-treating with this kid we know, which is, I discovered, one of the most fun things you can do in this life. Especially in a neighborhood where the residents make a real solid effort. Totally my best childhood Halloween memories incarnated. Also, he shared his candy with me.

ceiling-fan noose

Melissa was an owl, "dressed for success":
an owl, dressed for success
Here's me as the Log Lady, fleeing from some ghouls:

Also: I saw a full-sized golden retriever dressed as a hot dog. Imagine that!

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