Saturday, June 28, 2008

yard sale

Today I went to visit some friends who were having a yard sale. They live in an interesting neighborhood and some real characters came by to look at stuff. Some super cute children also. This one guy drove his weird little motorbike all the way up the driveway and yelled over the idling engine instead of turning it off.
"Hey how much for your flops?" he called over at me (I was sitting in a chair and looked like I was running the place, I guess)
"Excuse me?" I asked.
He held up a pair of flip-flops. "How much for your flips?" he asked again.

Jesus, what kind of person can't just say "flip-flops"? Or, you know, "these shoes"?
He finally turned off the bike so he could complain about how his girlfriend was a bitch, even though he was buying her these goddamn flip-flops. Which were nice, you know? They were a dollar. And she was probably going yell at him because they were too big, because apparenly she is on her period like all the time.

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