Saturday, November 27, 2010


A few summers ago I was peering suspiciously out my window at some shady vehicle outside my house, which of course turned out to be the street view camera truck:


Oh self, I thought, that's not a good look for a lady (which is now on the internet forever).

Then I found this vintage Dior ad and realized it actually is a super good look.

Then I found those exact vintage Dior glasses frames. I'm not lying.

I like that ad because it reminds me of Rear Window, and may be referencing that thing Hitchcock had for auxiliary female characters wearing glasses.
My favorite one of these, which I couldn't find a picture of, is in North by Northwest when he climbs into a hospital room and the woman inside is scared at first, then puts her glasses on and wants him to stay. Because, I guess he's handsome? He's like, this gross orange color in that movie if you ask me.
I didn't photoshop that.

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